
Private Callas, the fitting for the exhibition

L’allestimento di FusinaLab della mostra presentata da Bonotto in occasione del quarantesimo anniversario dalla scomparsa di Maria Callas negli spazi di via Durini 24, a Milano.

Private Callas: Dresses and memorabilia in a textile scenery by Bonotto. This is the title of the exhibition curated by Maria Luisa Frisa and Gabriele Monti for Bonotto, a textile manufacturer that presented an exclusive collection of fabrics inspired to the elegance of the great singer. The book Maria Callas: The life of a Diva in Unseen Pictures, published by Roads Publishing, was also presented on the occasion.
The journey across the precious objects part of the Callas archive of Fondazione Progetto Marzotto leads through evening gowns, day dresses, stage clothes, portraits and posters enhanced by the textile scenography made by Bonotto. The metaphoric theatre of this exhibition, the elegant Durini palace in Milan, was fitted by FusinaLab and is the location of the showroom that FusinaLab shares with Bonotto, Agenzia del Contemporaneo and Intertrade Group.